Takedown Thief - Gain ETO during takedowns.Light Step - reduce enemy detection speed.Silenced MP5 - fully automatic SMG with a silencer and high fire rate.Combat Roll - Double tap dodge to perform a dodge roll that also reloads your gun.APGL - A short-range frag grenade launcher.AK47 - a fully automatic rifle with high damage and recoil.Fast Hacking - all hacks have significantly shorter cooldowns.Dive Bomb - select an enemy to be dive bombed by a homing drone.Viral Hacking - when hacking, hold the input to affect a large radius.

The three characters you can buy are The Lynx, The Leopard, and The Viper.

At time of writing, the Urban Jungle pack has characters available both as a bundle and separately. In the ‘Operatives’ menu, you can purchase available characters with special abilities. Note that you don’t receive the characters from the Store’s character pack - those are a different purchase.

You’ll also be able to access extras in the Store section of Uplay. The DLC menu can be accessed on PC by pressing Tab and clicking on the ‘Store’ section.